I say shoot one down and don’t say anything. Whichever 3 letter agency comes to pick it up we will know who it belonged to. Or SSS rule…JS.
What gets me is the Milirary is saying they have no authority to shoot them down
That’s Scary
So one the size of a SUV
Is carrying dangerous payload
Citizens can’t shoot it
They need to Fly over Bidens house
I heard James Comer yesterday on national news saying if they try to fly them over Kentucky there will be deer rifles shooting at them. If they are legally flying tell us. If they are illegal then I don’t see the issue with taking them down. I also find it interesting they’re arresting people in the area now flying drones to try to get a look or proof of them but nothing being done about the mystery drones. That tells me they’re either ours and or they know exactly what they’re doing.
There’s a star that’s very visible in the eastern sky in the winter that flickers red, white and green. Look for it when your out sometime.
I’ve seen that but I thought I was crazy
I did too but I got on the internet and found out about it.
Is it about 30 to 45 degrees above the Horizon ? Been seeing what I think you are talking about for a while on clear nights.
I th8nk right now it is. It’s gets larger and closer at times.