Stopped to ask about trapping some beavers but it didn’t look right. All old sign. Found out they had shot seven with night vision and just wasted. Seeing some Facebook talk on it too. Why is there a justification to just shoot and waste furbearers?
Talked to a guy last season that did the same thing. Said he got bored shooting coyote… Absolutely pitiful waste
It burns me up.
The night vision stuff is a problem that’s only going to get bigger. It’ll be commonplace to justify shooting “nuisance” deer next at night. In this area they’ll shoot turkeys off the roost with them.
I wish they’d try to contact a trapper or someone that will UTILIZE the resource. I might could see if they were causing damage wanting them gone by any means possible but I just can’t get the shoot and waste mentality just to be killing something for a picture on Facebook.
That what they been doing hear on the river when it floods riding around and shooting
I recently commended a gentleman on a Kentucky trapping FB page for putting up his fur and not being a ditch pitcher. Another fella commented back and basically let me know how wrong I was. And that it was okay to waste furbearers. And if im not mistaken, he is actually an admin for that page.
I wanted to argue with him, but I just let it go.
Mr. Pickard, I rarely get on Facebook. This morning I logged in and seen your post in my feed on the Kentucky trappers page. After reading that post, not even ten posts down on the page was a woman posting pictures of a domestic she caught.
I made my reply and logged back off. Couldn’t even get two minutes of social media without seeing so much- I would say ignorance, but stupidity is a better fit.
I am very frustrated by “casual trappers” posts but there’s absolutely no stopping the ignorance, apathy, stupidity or whatever it is that drives it. There are many many out there giving trapping a public black eye and they really don’t care. I see so many pics that shouldn’t be posted, for trappings sake. I see so many comments and stupid, yes stupid questions too. It all is adding up against us and some of us will see it and have to deal with it defending trapping. Yes, I saw your comment too on not being a ditch pitcher and agreed wholeheartedly. I didn’t know anyone had said any different but whoever said that to you is a big part of the problem.
last year a friend told me of a guy that had beaver problems. i called him and got permission to trap anything i wanted. i met up with him that afternoon and he showed me around. it was a beaver and otter paradise. i told him i would be back the next morning.
soon as i got home he called and said the neighbor said he would like to get rid of them for him. i was disappointed but said ok.
a couple weeks later i was told by a friend that “the neighbor” took care of his problem.
he shot 10 beavers and 4 otters and left em floating. i made sure the owner knew i wasnt very happy.
People amaze me at the things they do! … At last years prices, that would have most likely brought in around $400.00 pretty easy !
Truly, when I take an animal there’s a touch of respect and thankfulness I believe has been lost in a lot of people anymore. From the comments I see like “ kill em all” and such I think there something in the general population psyche that just wasn’t there when I was growing up. It’s more like a keeping score video game now than enjoying being out there, good days and bad, and just simply being a trapper.
doesn,t kentucky have wantin waist laws
Yes. You will be cited for ditching a deer, turkey, and waterfowl. I feel that furbearers should be no different.
I think deer, bear and elk are covered under the wanton waste laws but nothing else, maybe waterfowl? Well maybe Turkey too I guess.
Waterfowl definitely is. It’s a federal offense. I had a talk with a game warden once about waterfowl hunting a creek and it changed my whole outlook. I haven’t hunted a creek since. According to him, he told me that if you’re in a boat your fine, but if you get out of the boat you’re trespassing unless you have permission on the landowner on both sides, and if you shoot a duck and it lands on the bank, you’re trespassing if you get it, and if you don’t get it, it’s a federal wanton waste charge.
I’m like you, in that there are too many rules related to waterfowl hunting! The whole thing seems like a rigged game designed to make people apt to pay fines, and have equipment seized! I wish they would give another option on the Sportsmans license in case you have no interest in duck hunting; but maybe would like to have something like a trapping license instead!
I hesitate to want the trapping license included myself ever on the Sportsman license just because of the people that would be licensed to trap but not vested in doing it in a way that may affect us negatively. I personally think that if one is interested in trapping they ought to still have a separate license for this reason. But, that’s just my opinion. I believe already it’s just a matter of time before some of the casually interested trap setters start popping up in the news. It’s just had a lot of changed mentality lately.
I agree with you kytrapper.