Another great day to be alive!

6:30 I’m sitting here drinking my coffee , listening to the howling wind! Thinking about my sets and wondering if they produced any fur last night! Excited to check them , I made a decision to wait to about 8 am to start, I think kytrapper mentioned how some cats are still stirring . I realized I live in one of the greatest places in the world, the great state of Kentucky! Just thankful I’m still able to do a little trapping and want to be a little part of an organization that is like minded ! Good luck on your line to day and stay safe .


Good luck to you too!. I’m at work all weekend but the kids and me will be running our small line after I get home

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I’m in fur shed all day. Pulled everything yesterday but cats and coyotes will stir great through this cold snowy weather next few days.


Enjoy those children, they grow up so fast! Awesome you share trapping with them!

If you need another cat and have access to the river bank on the Big Sandy I saw a cat traveling it near where the old power plant smokestacks were.


Sitting in my truck waiting for daylight.25 degrees here with strong winds.Gonna have to rework my sets today.Dry dirt and antifreeze added…Trying to keep them from freezing down next several days.Good luck to you Preacherman.Loving my cab and heater on my Ranger in this weather


I’m tying net this morning prolly get some cat stuff together later. Gonna help Ryan set some otter stuff later and I really need to get up the river a minute before it gets cold.
Really hoping I can get back on the river for a big line before seasons over.


Thanks ,

Enjoy those kids Taulbee1.Some of my best memories are running traps with my boys when they young.

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I live about ten mile south of the power plant, in a little place called Clifford. It’s on the tug river ! But I know where you are talking about and might try to find some accessible land there

Colton your one tough son of a buck. The thought of being in a boat netting in this weather freezes me just thinking about it

I agree with you Perry, I get cold just thinking about being in a boat this morning :cold_face:

Perry, you’re smart to rework your sets and know they’re working ahead of this cold spell. I failed yesterday to have one at no doubt and it cost me a cat.

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We had another coyote yesterday, I didn’t get to bring the kids along on it because of the wind and cold, with the ground freezing I’ll be able to drive the truck again and they’re tickled pink to tag along again. We’re going to rework all of our coyote sets this evening when we do our check after I get home from work and also throw in 7 or 8 cat sets at few grown up spots on the farm we’re trapping. Still have about 100 or 150 acres that we haven’t hit yet. Might try to get some sets out there and get ahead of this cold snap.


Sounds like your gonna get busy

That’s a nice one

Perry just finished reworking my sets, caught three possums :smiling_face:

I’m having a banner year on possums

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Steve As cold as it is plus windy. I don’t know if I’m smart or a dummy to be out in this weather

It never gets too cold for bobcats to stir. They seem to love it.