This one takes the cake.
All of our old dogs and cats got bit and kept on going
Yeah its an odd world we’ve woke up in. About 5 years back there was a a rescue team had to repel down a 300 foot river cliff to get a deer running coon hound. Once a yuppie reports it,it has to be done.
This cliff mined you is one I’ve climbed both up and down in the dark to go to roosted turkeys. I never used a light cause I didn’t want to spook the birds. These was moon light climbs.
By the time the crew got there the dogs had surprise surprise found there own way out!
Also a cliff that hundreds of coon hounds have run all over.
We’ve had some dogs hung up but always reasoned they got there they’ll get back and they always did.
Stupid people have stupid dogs
Usually about once a week they’re rescuing somebody down there. I’m sure most of them are trained professionals. It seems like rescue squads like publicity though. What kind of person even calls a rescue squad to get their dog?
Yeah it’s a pretty common thang.
The people on the river kill me. They get on the river know jack about it,motor quits a and they call 911. I’ve been stranded up and down river many times never once have i thought of calling for help. I mean if I’m not bleeding to death I’m gonna tough it out and besides I don’t know how they get service cause I never have eny.
I paddled ten miles once with a cooler lid. I’ve walked out across country a mile. One night we cut poles and.pushed.poled up river 8 miles. Ive just built a fire and hunkered down till morning not once have I thought of calling for help.
I hunt in big lonesome stretches of timber deep sometimes always on foot and weather I’m on the river or back in the woods I pack a belt knife and a lighter or ferren rod on the river I also carry cotton balls filled with Vaseline to start wet with.
What people don’t under stand about the gorge is there is a false since of security because there are walking trails everywhere. They think it’s safe and they act stupid it easy to get hurt or lost up there so when you take off on a hike don’t take it so lightly. It’s not much to me but in contrast first time I ever stepped foot in Alabama I went across country 3 miles to a road I had only looked at in the dim cab lights before daylight on a map with no compass. But weather it’s national forest ground in Alabama or a hiking trail I don’t tale it like a joke i know it can kill me. I’ve said it for years when you leave black top your in the wilderness. The elements will kill you in a city park.
If adventure is what people want why do they always call for help.
It’s not been very long ago that a call to a rescue squad to get a dog would have made them mad. Not too long ago animals weren’t listed as fatalities in a house fire either. Just a couple of many things if we think back ten years ago and been told we’d say “ That’s crazy, that’ll never happen”.
I am astounded at the stupidity in the world today.nobody can do anything by their self.I’m sure somebody thought they were doing somebody a favor but a stranded dog,dang,come on