Beaver pelt sizing for our sale

We’re asking everyone that will to pre size their beaver and coons before the sale to help the graders speed the sale along. Appreciate it.

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Coon sizes are like 27, 29, 31 and 33 inches.

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If someone has another beaver size chart post it. There used to be a large/medium and a lot of beaver fall in there but if they’re at least bundled in these sizes it’ll help. I just saw this in an old magazine I was reading yesterday.

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Any way to size green beaver.

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I froze mine longways folded down the spine. Didn’t try to get any particular length

I think I have the other size chart wrote down in my fur shed so I’ll check.

I don’t think so but the buyers will know if they can see the true length what they’re buying. There will be a lot of green beaver there I’d say.

From Gooser.

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I would just get them bundled in like sizes and separated kinda the way you’d like them sell


I have never sold had a sell before, always sold to a local buyer! I’m a little nervous , I don’t have a lot of fur , might need a little help

I helpt grade last year and I plan too this year.
Size grading is very easy just bundle coon and otter rats and beaver in like sizes the graders will break up in handleabel lots and we will pick out eny that need to sell in a different way because of color or damage the size grading on your side just speeds up the process.
Most coyotes and fox and cats will sale separately there is to much variable to grades a big lot of eny of them would be 3 or 4 just usually not allot of matched animals in them.
If there is any fur you want sold a certain way be sure and tell us graders are there to help you mostly.

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Thank you colt

When I helped grade hear is how it goes

Beaver are by size unless there is a very odd color

Coon size then damage, too may holes, big holes and rubbed will down grade and they go together
Early caught blue black leather goes together
Again all.of these in like sizes

Fox and be size graded and matched by color

Yote same plus rubs

Cats most will sale separately but you will have a few that are close enough to sell together
Again just match color and size look and the bellies you want too look for spots then the flanks dose the white stay wide all the way or dose it get narrow a the the flanks

Rats size first
Then blue skins and damaged

Possum by size and
Then blue and damage

Mink the same

Skunk size then match the stripes

Otter size leather color and damage