Beaver questions

Caught three beaver this week 49#, 54#, and a smaller one. I’m not much of a beaver man but I did get two bigger ones skinned and one boarded, everything else is in the freezer for now. I may have to try the brad nailer on the other two.
At the risk of sounding ignorant I have a couple of questions. First how do you determine the sex of the beaver, even after skinning I can’t tell? And what is the best way to remove the castors? I eventually get them out, but usually tear a hole in at least one.

You should be able to tell removing the castors. If you can’t then it’s most likely a female. I remove mine by taking a very sharp knife and cutting straight across the membrane at the top then peeling or skinning it down a little . Use fingers to separate in back. Actually it’s easier to show than explain. I’m sure there’s a YouTube video showing it. BTW, you’re put up beaver looks good especially if you haven’t put up a lot.

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Thank you

I do it like Steve. Boars are pretty obvious like he said. I’m not a big time beaver man.

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