Good hunt shared with daddy!

He shot him yesterday morning said he thought it was low and back. So we backed out it was cold so we gave him till 4pm and went where he last saw him had good blood but paunch to. found a bed 50 yards from place that he shot him so we backed out to wait till morning. First light we was on the trail. Found another bed around 100 yards down a steep slope then another bed 20 yards further then I saw he was dragging his self over the bluff and I knew he was prolly close in the bottom of the steep narrow holler.
I did the tracking in the steep rough stuff cause Dad has two bum knees know. So when I looked over the bluff I finally found the buck laying in the bottom I told him to get down with his bow quick…to take some pictures with his buck. He it was not funny but I thought it was!
He was 6 yards on the ground with his bob Lee recurve,and a Simmons tiger shark head,arrow was low but not as far back as he thought and it was also angled forward both holes in the ribs. Definitely needed some time by was prolly dead at 4 when we left. But it’s always better to be safe then to jump a guy shot or 1 lung hit.
Enyhow had a great hunt,good memories and a fine buck to eat.



Great. Job on a nice buck

That’s wonderful
Very nice Buck

And I see he uses wood arrows
All we used back in the day

Thanks for sharing

The picture with the backpack is great. Nice job

Nice buck and like Ryan said nice pic with the pack. Guess you got to carry out the rest of it. Just wondering did you keep the ribs I know a lot of people don’t. They aren’t real meaty but I like them.

He had a ham shoulder the head and hide. I had a ham shoulder and the back straps.
Where he was full of paunch blood all night we lost the ribs inside tender loins heart and liver witch we do usually eat. Normally I take a bunch of the neck too. I like you like the ribs they was a bit rough on this particular deer.

Man, that’s some cool pictures! Congrats on a nice traditional archery harvest.

Great job on the effort of retrieval. So many are shot even with rifles that have about five minutes put in finding them.

That’s real hunting right there. Nice buck, cingrats