Is it trapping season yet

I done a little fishing this morning, watched a beaver in the pond swim and feed! Made me want to set a trap! :smile:dyed some traps this afternoon! Sure enjoyed the beautiful morning God blessed us with!


I painted all my big bodygrips today. Got ashamed of seeing them rusting.

What kind of paint did you use?

I had two gallons of green latex house paint I thinned and put in a tote. I dipped them twice, came out decent. I’ll probably go over with a cannot two of another color spray to blotch up.

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Rustoleum is 50.00 a gallon so that’s out.

Latex does fine I used some latex barn paint from ace last time.
Mix it 3 to 1 water for a thick coat and of course add more to thin it on down.

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My advice is get busy on other stuff.
I’ve been running swarm traps and fixing to put out a bunch of nets. Been checking my ginseng and golden seal looking for the odd mushroom gardening and still turkey hunting a little.



Thanks , I have some I want to paint

My Garden is doing good, potatoes up , pea lettuce growing.been eat green onions cabbage looks good! Got to call a turkey in for a young man thats been going to church with me since he was little! He is a state police now and got to kill his first turkey! He said that was the most nervous racking thing he ever done! He hooked!


Do you boil your connibears traps to get the rust off?

Or better put what do you do to prepare them for paint?

I try and satisfy my trapping addiction with
Catching nuisance critters
Today it was 1 Ground Hog “Bait” for next year

And a Mole I been after my yard is tore up
Plenty more to go

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I just made sure the mud was off them and any debris that may have been n jaws. My trap and fur preparation are similar. I just want them presentable and not perfect. Paint may not be perfectly even that’s why I’ll go over with spray a little. I don’t like a solid, uniformly colored bodygrip anyway. The blend in better. They might look better to humans but nothing in nature is square and perfectly colored.