Letter from Laura concerning muskrat carcasses

We are finishing up collections of muskrat carcasses, and wanted to see if you all could let trappers know to give us a call or email if they still have carcasses that need to be picked up. Do you still have any in your freezer, Stacy? Thank you all very much for assisting with carcass collection and getting the word out. We don’t have a final count yet, but know we are well over our goal of 50. If you hear of any NWCOs in the northeast or east doing muskrat work, we could still use some from those areas. Please pass on a big thank you to our trappers!

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I only caught one so I didn’t keep it, guess I should had.

I found six that were under beaver pelts in the freezer I need to get to Stacy’s freezer for pickup.

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I planted the 3 I had the next day after I caught them and they grew into coyotes. Didn’t know they needed them until later.

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