Look for black powder shotgun

Interested in a black powder shotgun, side capper or inline either one just as long as it ain’t rusted to death and patterns decent.
Long shot but thought I’d ask.

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Colt, like you need another hobby……:grin:

if you can’t find one go to freindship nmlra

Well last time I went to friendship it was a shell of its former self.
Steve a I already had this going on it’s just on again off again. I built two over the years and they won’t pattern going a different rout this time.


are you wanting to pattern for turkey

you can get barrels that are choked for turkey patterns.a lot of your patterns are the way they are loaded

Yeah I know I actually jug choked one and it’s ok and I’ve killed squirrels rabbits and doves with them but I’ve missed a few turkeys I shoulda killed that I never even cut a feather on. I mean inside 20 yards,I need to rebuild one (stock geometry is and issue on it currently) and to be honest I’m just tired of messing with um.
But yeah I’ve run the full gambit on loads and chokes and all,I just want to forget the whole thing and start over

I know a guy that knows where a couple of flintlock scatterguns are at, but he says they are PRICEY! Don’t know anything beyond that. Seems like cva made a double barrel back years ago that came with screw in chokes, but looked like a mid 1800’s gun. You might look on gun trader, or one of those type web sites.