Looking for replacement pan for #1 coilspring

Hey y’all i have a duke #1 coilspring that i need to replace the pan for. Dont want to pay shipping from a supply house for a 95 cent part. Hoping one of 7all might have a spare off a parts trap. I think the pan for the #11 would work too.

Do you have a 1.5 coil spring pan? I put those on some of mine years ago. Are yours pan post with nut and bolt or humped cross like the old victors?

Ive looked through and i dont have any scrap parts. Its a bolt and nut.

I found a pan off an old victor. Just closed up the hole a bit. I think i can make this work. Just pick up a small bolt and nut

Good thing about that trap is a little floppy and no pan tension is better in water than land.

Yeah itll make a great lil pocket set trap.

I have a lot of traps with not the original pan on. 1.5’s on ones, threes on two’s, PIT’s on a lot. 50 years from now they’ll think some madman owned them.

Haha. Im spending my summer making long overdue upgrades, repairs and getting gear ready.

I “piddle” almost daily on something. Sometimes it’s just a few minutes in the mornings. Trapping is my main, almost only now, hobby and I enjoy staying connected to it through the year. There’s always something to do. If I run out of fur trapping tasks I have dreamed up I’ll start on building rabbit box traps. I have the boards cut and want to actually build a few the old way I used as a kid. There are better designs with the door contained inside and a treadle but I’m going to build the old stick and trigger ones only because I used to love seeing that door down and stick up. Occasionally, a bird lights on your stick and throws the trap though.