More Old Traps I’ve Picked Up

Probably don’t interest yall much but I kinda like em.

2 No 4 Newhouse. Picked these up from Joe Eckert at the fur sale.

Newhouse 1 1/2


No1 Charles Bridell one hole Escape Proof. I’ve got the 7 hole model but did not have the one hole.

No1 Keflock Killer made by Leffman Locksnare Co


Bionic Killer. Not that old… I think they stopped production in the 80s but it’s unique. It is missing the setting rod.


I don’t remember and have never seen that bottom one. You’re getting a good collection going.

You keep this up and.ypur.gonna have to set up at the meets to show them all off and teach us all somthing.

Really impressive

How do you get them so clean and shiny like

Soft bristled brush on a Dremel then a good WD-40 bath.