One downside of using drags

A lot of times your cat is up under something hiding and is harder to extract but the pluses outweigh it. I’d rather have a hid cat than one that might have escaped if not hidden. They seem to calm way down if they can get even ten feet from the catch site.
I have some set right now with over 15 feet of chain and cable. Solid rock so no staking and mostly weeds when leaving.
Mick is chomping at the bit for some excitement.

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I’ve had to dig a few out of old fallen tree tops kudzu and such but still like those drags.

I have a phobia about long cables on drags in that a cat will wrap around my leg with it. Most of the time they’re tangled too close to do it.

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I can see how that would be a real concern; but think what a good story you will have to tell once the stitches come out !

My chains on drags are just 8 and 10ft none longer. I just look to see how much is free for it to jump and noted I have jumped some myself. I guess I’m crazy but my release poles are only 3ft.

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You need to have someone video you and show the proper way to go hand to hand with a worked up Bobcat with a short catch pole! I bet you could sell some videos at one of our meets ! LOL!

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