Snare preparation

I did a search and didn’t find a thread so thought id ask the question. We will be dipping our toe into snares next season and my question is what prep do you all prefer? Mainly will be setting for canine with the potential of cats. Do you clean and prep your stabilizers too?

I haven’t snared as much lately, but when I did I would degrease and paint my support wires, some a light tan color (for fields) and some a dark brown color with pattern to break outline.
Snares I would boil in baking soda for 15-20 minutes and then rinse them off real well. When I dipped snares, I diluted more than what the instructions would have. Dip is way too expensive these days, you could probably just dye them as well and be just fine.

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I spray paint my stuff (tan green brown )flat camo colors. And I wax them this is not absolutely necessary I do it for longevity and they seema bit faster and smoother to me and as cats are my main snare target I don’t want a slow snare that cat can stop and back out of.
I would not advise waxing until you understand more about them as it will take a little work to get them right after there waxed.
I use to boil in baking soda but found that it removed too much grease and they won’t last very long (the ones you don’t use) I air mine out good over summer and fall and they catch just fine.
When you put a good splotchy spray paint job on them they will disappear in the trail. If you are really worried about the oil just wash them in hot dawn water.


Colt, do you use a lock one size larger when you wax them?

No, I just run the lock back and forth until it runs free and smooth.
You need your wax really hot and the snares need to soak and get the same temp so it penetrates the cable well. It will leave a very light coat except in the intersecting areas of cable and by running the lock back and forth it with clean the thick spots back.


I used to just spray paint mine in the summer.