So when do we pack them up and ship um.?

When a group that resides in America chants “death to America” shouldn’t there be at least some serious inquiries into that group and it’s intentions.
If Jan 6th was an insurrection and the attempt to “over through the government” chanting death to America should constitute treason!

Hears a quarter from there spokes person.

“It’s not just Genocide Joe that has to go,” Bazzi said, referring to President Biden. “It is the entire system that has to go. Any system that would allow such atrocities and such devilry to happen and would support it – such a system does not deserve to exist on God’s Earth.”

So my question is who is gonna tell them to either set down and shut up or pack there crap and leave?
That type of extremism should not America period.
There using the rights giving to them by ARE constitution who ARE ancestors fought and died and bled to pay for to argue against us. I say pack them up and send them back.



I read that on Fox News Colt. It is terribly disappointing

Thing is, as long as the Dems think they can get a vote from them, or any other fringe group, they will gladly look the other way! 50-75 years ago, our fathers and grandfathers would have already dealt with this, and most likely in a rough way! But that was a different era! As it stands now, you and I type folks would be sharing a cell with some of the folks that went to D.C. to protest a couple of years ago! Those militant groups will be treated like royalty, until they get brave enough to either try to take over, or get slammed by Government once they actually hurt a Democrat office holder, their Family, or most important, their votes money, and power! At least, that’s the way I see it. For whatever that’s worth!


Oh I agree with you. I thank I know there are people know days would do what a former generation would do but ironically enough you’d be treated like a terrorist if you did so.
I believe these people as well as the government are playing with fire. And in all honesty that’s what the government wants is for somebody to take matters into there own hands so they can gain more control.
These people as well as all Americans are just pawns in there game.
Marcsisam at its finest.



It’s going to start this November I hope……



Free speech is one thing but when you threaten to over throw the Gov. it’s time to ship them out


I’m with ya 100 percent behind free speech and talk against the government.
But when you claim we as a county don’t have the right to exist? I mean it don’t get no plainer then that.