Spring is coming

Well trapping seasons over and spring is for sure on its way,I been seeing geese paired up and the wood ducks have come back to the river for the annual return,spring peepers are peeping, I’m getting hoop nets ready, slat traps,goin over lines, lettuce beds, Sara has been making a little maple syrup (over know to warm) I been turkey scouting,I’ve got deer heads to work on,looking forward to spring greens and mushrooms poppin, calves have all dropped we got new chicks coming on,and to add some more caous to the.mix Larry Burton has talked me into getting into bees witch didn’t take much goading!

Enyhow I left some goals unmet and my barn shop and boats a mess but it’s been a good season time to move on and get ready for the next!
Hope you guys have had a good one to.
What have y’all got cooking for spring!


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Me momma daddy and Sara put all these frames together Sunday evaning didn’t take 4 people to long! But I thank it’s only part of what I need!

Our cows will start calving again in March, this would have been a good year for February calves. I’m getting a few greens off the garden now, spinach is still green, and creaseys are really out. We got manure hauled over the last three weekends, that’s something I never seem to get done. I sprayed poison hemlock Sunday afternoon, and its about time to start spraying pastures for weeds. Hopefully I’ll have fertilize on by the end of the month. How many cows do you have Colt?
Bee keeping has always intrigued me, but i just don’t have time for another hobby. The maple syrup is also really interesting.

Just 4 are days and land to farm full time is in the past know.
It’s a lost cause in my county.

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