The mud has kicked my butt

Fur wise this wasn’t the best year I’ve ever had. But fun wise, this one tops them all. We ended up with 6 coyote, 10 coon, 10 possums, 2 skunk, a rabbit, a squirrel, 2 bobcat, a beaver, 2 otters, and a handful of pullouts over in 2 months and a couple days. Running about 3 dozen sets at the max but we had a boat load of fun. All three of them are enthralled with trapping and my middle boy plays trapping every day and asked for traps for his birthday on February 23rd. They’re already asking me about next season!.



Told my wife he was skinning his coon


Not many men take the little ones along or many little ones want to go. Good job.

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I’m glad you have them interested

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Love the pictures such a blessing

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Yes it is a blessing. We was only able to have the one and I took her all the time when she was little but slowly she’s slowed on me. She will otter trap with me a little and she squirrel hunts a little and turkey hunts a little she cares nothing about killing enythang but she does like to be out there witch is prolly just as good or maybe better.
All I know to do is to keep after her without pushing and come around.
I meant to say she likes to fish and run nets and line pretty good.


That’s how my daughter was with hunting, she used to go all the time, then she killed her first deer and it was like a switch flipped. She don’t care about killing but likes being out learning about nature. But this year trapping she was sure enjoying shooting the coyotes and cats. Maybe she’ll come back around on hunting. Now that middle boy, he wants to shoot everything that moves. I’ve got him a .410 set up and he’s dead set on killing a turkey this year. This was the other day at 20 yards. That rascal shot a half box of shells just because, I know what my dad felt like now lol.