Tidying up a bit in the fur shed

I called a halt to any more tinkering this year in the fur shed and cleaned off the skinning/work table this morning. The only thing I’m going to do is un thaw a big bag of oil sacs, drain and grind them and grind up several gallons of shad and preserve them. This is also to clean out the freezer to make room for fur. I had a call from a landowner yesterday that the beavers he had last year that had moved out when I went have moved back in so I’m going there to wet my whistle in a few weeks.


I’ve caught 5 out of a small creek for the county road department this week. Damming up the culvert and backing the water up. Mr. Pickard’s Super Secret Formula Beaver Lure Supreme is working its magic in Western Ky!


My fur shed is getting a full renovation. Ill post some pictures when its finished. Im ready to start filling it with fur.


Your beaver must not like hillbilly intruder beaver. I do real well here with that baby poop yellow western Ky castor. How were the pelts looking?

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Fur looks great but the one I have on the board is drying real dark…obvious early skin

Weez, I’m glad that the lure is working for you. I bought some of it with high hopes and great expectations but have caught absolutely nothing on it, no beaver, no cats, no coyotes, not even a possum. Maybe that will change in a few weeks when I take it out of the lure box, and use some of it at sets :slight_smile:


K91773, I suspect that will make a big difference! And if you mix it with some fresh peeled branches, or a fresh dug hole, it will shine!

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I’ve had a lot of it in the shed all summer and the only thing that’s given it even a sniff is me.


Yes, I know it is going to shine on the line, it will probably see as much us up amongst the cliffs as it does where the beaver are.


You won’t be sorry….best beaver lure out there in my opinion.

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