Walnut shortage. I’m waxing anyway

Can’t find a bag of walnuts this year, even in Ohio. I’m going to brush off dirt and wax. Believe cats won’t mind.

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I’ve been using that logwood dye from Minnesota Trapline works pretty good

My wax is pretty black from the past.

I have several I used for beaver I needed to re wax

I’m sure cats won’t mind no walnuts around home this time either.
I like rusted waxed trap as I’ve said before.

Strange…I’ve got several walnut trees around my place and in my yard and there just aren’t many walnuts here either. The acorn and hickory nut crop is ridiculous though! been a while since we’ve had this many acorns

Well last year are walnut was a absolute boom so I know why are ain’t to good this time.

Colt, Have you ever tried oak and shumac bark? I used it years ago, and it dyed traps Okay. Seems like it had a gray, dark brown color to it as best I remember. That’s been a LONG TIME AGO though! I have used walnut hulls for years, as I have several trees on my place.

Yes I’ve use them both they look good to me.
I have a pile of walnuts on my place they just at two walnuts to rub together this year.
I rarely dye anymore most just wax.

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Soft maple bark will give a bluish finish

I’ll admit I missed the smell of boiling traps cutting straight to the wax yesterday. They came out fine, just a mottled color. I’ll be mainly setting for cats so I could have not even done them but I just felt better doing something.

I can remember boiling traps in walnuts in the house on my momma stove “while she was at work”. Everytime I smell um in the pot. I can remember daddy showing me the first time.


Thays walnuts in Lexington seen several trees with a good crop on them this week.

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Found these by accident today
I’ve looked and zero
This one tree high on a hill must of been spared