We’ll did you surpass 50 today?
Cold morning in the boat today I bet !
Nope not 50 yet that was the perfect storm
Fresh population warm night and a bunch of traps, I did have a good day though.
14 coon
2 otter
2 mink
1 beaver
I put up half of yesterday’s coon today good to have fur drying again.
I’ve gotta go get gas and come back and grind some meat know. Or id put the other half up.
Prolly run till Monday and pull,put up fur Tuesday and set beaver traps Wednesday
Who’s says jumps won’t catch
I’m getting real deep catches with my number 1s
When I saw my first mink of the season I about come outta the boat like forest Gump when he saw lieutenant Dan
Piling up the fur Colt
Did you get the mink and otter with the portable pockets/fish stick rods? Or some other type set/trap?
Fish sticks they ignore portable pocket. Well ignore is not the right word they won’t go out in the water for them .
Hears the other mink
Something eat a rat for me in a portable pocket too. Thank it was a coon
Dale would be proud of you. He’s a big fish stake trapper in Iowa. How’s the otter look? I’m hitting a place for beaver that first thing I found was a toilet. I usually avoid them early if I can. You’re well on your way to a limit already.
Congratulations Colt , seeing those mink gets my fired up. Problem is at my age getting up and going is big problem. I did set my first ever beaver float sets yesterday. Set 4 at a dock will check this morning.
Another good catch Colt but I think we’re suppose to get about an inch or so of rain Tuesday.
Well to be honest I don’t know what the leather looks like im lve not fleshed them yet but there prolly blue but one was dead and one was close to dead. I personally don’t believe they survive when you turn them loose. Claudie Taylor said when he was trapping and relocating for Tennessee they would get pneumonia and die a few days after he caught them unless he gave them penicillin.
They fight so hard and get really hot. I don’t think your doing them eny favors releasing.
I fuinger you take what you get and don’t get picky never know what the future holds. Never know may not even get to trap for them later.
Yes you never know. I won’t be releasing any I catch.
i do get excited when i catch a mink. havent caught many though. have never set just for them.
everyone ive caught has been in coon trails either coming or going to either a creek or pond.
Colt your an inspiration
Remarkable catches
Really enjoy watching your success
Your a hard working trapper.Good job Colt
Wackum and stackum there Colt
16 coon 2 possum and a drowned river rat it was sure nuff wet and muddy I pulled the line left a couple mink sets out.
I’m gonna switch gears know and do a little beaver trapping a revert back to my old ways just getting out on the river and making trouble where ever I can find it.
It’s been fun and its really nice to have fur drying in the the barn again
Tearing those coon up Colt.
You’ve got it going on Colt and the fur barn is looking good.
The hound hunters might put a hit out on you . I bet that’s the most finished coon hanging in the state.