Well I should have something

Tangled up tomorrow.

Set 104 started at 7:30 got back to the barn at 3:00
We will see
There was actually a little sign but there was sign where I didn’t expected it and not where I did. Kinda different this year.
Found a few colonies of beaver scattered out may have to switch gears next week.


I predict 20-25 tomorrow. Maybe more.

If I set 104 traps in 1 day I’d be in a coma or dead.But I am 68 years old with health issues…Get after them Colt.


Good luck Colt. Wish I could be there today to run those with you !

Tight Chains Colt

Warm night last night, my guess is 18

Y’all keep guessing closet ones gets the baculum off the biggest one at the sale!

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I guess 104

Well who could pass up a deal like that?! So my guess is 14

I’ll guess 30.

Well guys the game was rigged

30 and an otter back before 12
Skinned know

Odd catch on the otter



Am I seeing what I think I am? A belly caught otter in what looks like a single spring?!
And 30 coons caught out of 104 traps set is what I would consider a phenomenal catch to trap ratio!
Outstanding! Happy for you! Now I hope they sell good for you! Good job!

Congrats on a great first night catch. You had some worthy help I see?

Well actually by the tail but yes belly too that’s a nber 1 Blake and lamb.

Had several doubles and one place I had 4
4 big nice rolling fat coon too!
5 doubles
1 quadruple

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Way to go Colt. Looks like a great time…it would take me a week to skin and wash 30 coon. I did 27 one day and liked to killed me. Got in bed about 2 am

heckuva day colt,more than I’ll catch all year

A great catch Colt but the big question did he stay and help skin lol.

Oh no he had somewhere to be!

I did have a good time been awhile since I was trapping with somebody else besides dad or Chloe.


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Heck of a catch Colt