New trapping/skinning/woodworking shed!

Pulled the trigger and bought a new shed today. I will post pictures as we work on it. I would love suggestions as we go along. Shed is 14X28.

You have to name it lol Mine is called the Beaver Hut. My wife did that

I’ll have to take suggestions on that.

You lucky guy. I built a 12x16 three years ago and wanted to ad another 8’ but fainted when I figured up the cost.

I predict about a year to fill up. I built mine for a trapping shed 16x20 and I wish I had another one that size.

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The plan is to try and get by with this one but I have a spot picked out if we need to build another one.

I’m waiting on an estimate for a small shop myself…anything is better than where I am now. Anxious to see some pictures!

I read several articles and they all said double the size you think you need. I sure do believe it now.

I’d name it “ Bear Creek East”.

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That’s pretty good.

Before all my daughters got married, they and the wife called mine the Pout House. I called it Man’s Retreat. Got a sign on the door that says, " I may retreat but I’ll never surrender." Back then there was about a week each month of tranquility.

My daughter had a wood burner when she was about eight. I have a pine board in my shed that reads “ Dad’s favorite place”.

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People are living in less than that around here. Looks good.

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My wife would want that for her Christmas decorations

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Yeah,vick would load that up with Christmas decorations and fall and spring and Fourth of July stuff too

Will look even better with some fur drying in there!

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I’m thinking

Bearcreek East or
Possum Palace

Both are accurate

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